2nd Marine Geomorphology Symposium – Sea Level, Coastline
2nd Marine Geomorphology Symposium was organized by Department of Operational Oceanography from Marine Institute in Gdańsk (MIG) in cooperation with ENVIA. The Symposium took place in Pomeranian Science and Technology Park on 24th October 2014.
The session was attended by over 100 participants – speakers and guests from scientific facilities, Maritime Offices, Polish Navy and companies from all over the country. The meeting consisted of three parts: lecture session, poster session and presentation of research equipment and methods on MIG’s marine vessels moored in the Port of Gdynia.
During the first part, discussion focused on issues related to coastal geomorphology and coastal zone. Special attention was paid to the importance of accurate research into these areas and the selection of appropriate methods, due to the high dynamics of this environment.
Second part consisted of poster presentations which described results and methodology of coastline measurements as well as detailed maps of selected regions of the Southern Baltic’s seafloor. Maps illustrated profiles and morphological structures of particular coastal zones.
Third part of the symposium, field session, took place at MIG’s vessels anchored in Port of Gdynia at President’s Quay – r/v IMOR and m/v Puck. On the ships, research equipment for geophysical and hydrographic measurements was presented. Invited guests were introduced with operation principles of devices belonging to ENVIA:
Crew members of IMOR and Puck were also presenting the capabilities of vessels and shedding some light on a hydrographic surveys carried out by them.
We would like to thank all the speakers and guests for their contribution and fruitful discussion.
More photos in galery.