ENVIA provided logistical support for ornithological observations on Baltic Sea
From March to November 2013 ENVIA together with DHI Poland and German research institute IfAÖ performed observations of migratory birds.
Surveys were a part of environmental impact assessment carried out in the area of planned offshore wind farms on Baltic Sea.
ENVIA provided properly adapted vessels, human resources and was responsible for project coordination. High resolution radars were mounted on two ships, that allowed to track birds and to record their routes. Equipment used during the observations consisted of FURUNO XN24AF/8 antenna and Telinga Pro 4 PIP directional microphone.
ENVIA provided support of ornithologists team who were collaborating with partners from IfAÖ during surveys. Group of 3 observers was conducting visual observations during the day and overnight acoustic monitoring.
ENVIA team was also responsible for the logistics of the project – its aim was to coordinate resources in the most efficient way, to accomplish proper number of observations despite the changing weather conditions. While running the project 19 cruises were held during which 65 observation days were accomplished.
DHI Poland:
- Fot. Jakub Typiak
- Fot. Jakub Typiak