ENVIA supports marine research conducted by University of Gdańsk
Since January 2013 ENVIA cooperates with Institute of Oceanography UG (IO UG) supporting marine research which is a part of “SatBałtyk” project (Satellite Control of Baltic Sea Environment).
Our company was responsible for preparation of survey buoy and its setting on the southern Baltic, at least 20 km of the shore in the area of at least 20 m depth. IO UG delivered two devices which were installed on the buoy: WQM (Water Quality Monitor; WET Labs) and pyranometer CMP6 (Kipp and Zonnen).
The service includes continuous provision of the following environmental data: wind speed and direction, air temperature, air pressure, relative humidity, water temperature, water conductivity, water pressure, dissolved oxygen concentration, chlorophyll a concentration, water turbidity and pyranometer output voltage. Data are transferred to the Department of Physical Oceanography IO UG as a monthly reports.
To provide successive data collecting we are carrying out regular service cruises during which our specialists are copying data, carrying out maintenance and necessary repairs. Correct functioning of the buoy is monitored by satellite connection.