QPS Fladermaus’ capabilities presentation

15 February 2016

QPS B.V. (Netherlands) has published movie containing footage prepared with Fladermaus – bathymetric data visualization software. Movie was a part of Dr. Laura F. Robinson’s speech, she is a Reader in in Geochemistry at the University of Bristol and an advocate for expanding the map of the seafloor, especially in areas beyond national jurisdiction. Maps derived from multibeam bathymetry data greatly improved the known detail of the seafloor in comparison to the previously existing altimetry derived grids. At this resolution, the ability to understand the morphology of numerous seamounts, fracture zones, and ocean ridges greatly increased.


You can view the full talk from YouTube below, and watch for the Fledermaus footage around minute five!




Hidden reefs of the deep sea | Laura Robinson | TEDxBrussels




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