We have provided the following logistic services:
- For Institute of Oceanography, University of Gdańsk – successive supply of data from devices (WQM meter and pyranometer) mounted on a measuring buoy situated in the southern Baltic, 20 km from the shore (2013)
- For Nortek BV – logistic service of hydrological monitoring in the planned Offshore Wind Farms area on the Baltic Sea; installation of a Nortek system on a measuring buoy, service cruises and satellite transmission to confirm proper operation of systems (2013)
- References
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – charter of m/y Doktor Lubecki, m/y Safira, and m/y Kwazar (2013)
- References
- For DHI Denmark – charter of m/y Safira and provision of assistance with sampling of surface sediments and zoobenthos in the area of the planned Nord Stream gas pipeline in Swedish waters (2013)
- References
- For DHI Polska sp. z o. o. and IfAÖ from Germany – cooperation consisting in the logistics service of mammals and migratory birds observations connected with a research project within the area of future Offshore Wind Farms; provision of ornithologists for observation cruises (2012; 2013)
- References
The Company has carried out the following surveys:
- For Tomasz Kruse Fish Breeding Center, repeatedly – measurement of water flow in the Pierska Struga river (2014; 2013)
- For Miliana Shipmanagement Ltd. – magnetometric measurements from the m/v St. Barbara and Petro3 vessels owned by the customer (2014)
- References
- References
- For Skanska S.A. – analysis of samples of sediments excavated from the bottom of the Elbląg river (2013)
- For EDF Wybrzeże S.A. – measurements of direction and magnitude of surface waters flow in the area of combustion waste landfills on Leniwy Channel in Rewa (2013)
- References
- For LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. – magnetometric survey within the Polish Exclusive Economic Zone on the Baltic Sea (2013)
- For Mostostal Warszawa S.A. – analysis of samples excavated from the Elbląg Canal (2013)
- For Hydrological Forecasts Office, Institute of Meteorology and Water Management, Maritime Branch in Gdynia – making of cross-sections of the Wisła Śmiała and Wisła Martwa water bodies (2011)
- In a consortium with Maritime Institute in Gdańsk, for Gas Transmission Operator GAZ SYSTEM S.A – geophysical surveys along the route of a future gas pipeline planned to connect the gas pipelines systems of Poland and Denmark (2011)
- References
- For ILF Consulting Engineers Polska Sp. z o.o. in Warsaw – bathymetric analysis of Vistula, Narew, Wkra, Skrwa, Bródnowski Canal, and topographic analysis of Vistula and Narew riverside areas – along the route of a planned gas pipeline DN 700 between Gustorzyn and Rembelszczyzna (2010)
- For ILF Consulting Engineers Polska Sp. z o.o. in Warsaw – bathymetric measurements with the use of a multibeam echosounder on the Warta River near Gorzów Wielkopolski, for a planned route of directional drilling (2010)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – bathymetric and sonar surveys in areas of planned wind farms on the Baltic Sea: 400 million survey units (2009)
- For MGGP S.A. in Tarnów – trough cross-section surveys for the following rivers: Wisłok, Mikośka, Młynówka, Przyrwa, Ślączka, Łętownia and Mleczka (2009)
- For MGGP Aero Sp. z o.o. in Tarnów – performance of 200 trough cross-sections within the catchment basin of the Warta river (2009)
- For Caledonian Geotech/Shell – bathymetric measurements with the use of a single beam echo sounder – Inchyra, Scotland (2008)
- For Caledonian Geotech – underwater pipelines inspections in the Irish Sea region (2007)
- For IMGW Gdynia (Institute of Meteorology and Water Management in Gdynia) – cross-section survey of the lower part of the Noteć river (2005)
We have filled the following sampling orders:
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk, repeatedly – water sampling from docks managed by the Port of Gdynia Authority and the Port of Gdańsk Authority (2015; 2014)
- For Cyske Road Lab – sampling of sediments from the bottom of the Martwa Wisła River (2014)
- For Skanska S.A. – sampling of sediments excavated from the bottom of the Elbląg river (2013)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk, repeatedly – sampling of surface water in docks managed by the Port of Gdynia Authority and the Port of Gdańsk Authority, and in ports in Ustka, Rowy, Łeba, Dźwirzyno, Kołobrzeg and Darłowo (2013; 2012)
- For Mostostal Warszawa S.A. – sampling of material excavated from the Elbląg Canal (2013)
- For Port of Gdynia Authority – taking 50 core samples on the premises of the Gdynia Shipyard
- For Maritime Institute in Gdansk – sampling bottom sediments and soil from the beach during construction of the Breakwater South, from the area of the Marina in Gdynia (2008)
- For Port of Gdynia Authority S.A. – grab sampling and core sampling of bottom sediments from the Port of Gdynia area
- For Saur Neptun Gdańsk S.A. – sampling sediments from drainage ditches in the area of Lipce water intake in Gdańsk (2008)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – sampling bottom sediments at Wały Chrobrego in Szczecin (2006)
- For Department of Hydrology and Water Management, the University of Łódź – delivery of VALEPORT BMF002 and BMF 0001 open channel flow meters (2006)
We have rented out the following equipment:
- To MEWO Sp. z o.o. S.K.A., repeatedly – the MiniBAT system from OSIL (2015; 2014)
- References
- To Miliana Shipmanagement Ltd. – X-star seismo-acoustic transducers kit (2014)
- To Miliana Shipmanagement Ltd. – the Geometrics G-882 gradient magnetometer (2014)
- References
- To LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. – the SiG ENERGOS 300 boomer/sparker system and the CODA DA 2000 system with the Geokit software for seismic data acquisition, rented out twice (2013)
- To LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. – the Geometrics G882 gradient magnetometer (2013)
- To Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – hydrographic system elements: the Seabat 7125 multibeam echosounder manufactured by Reson, the USBL Sonardyne Scout Plus positioning system and WSM transponders from Sonardyne; including delivery and mounting on m/s Granit (2013)
- To Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – measuring equipment : the USBL-type Sonardyne Scout Plus positioning system and the SeaBat 7125 multibeam echosounder from RESON A/S together with a SVP sensor (2012)
- To LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. – the EdgeTech 4200 300/600kHz sonar with the CODA DA 2000 system for sonar data acquisition (2012)
- To Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – measuring equipment and vessels (2014 – 2015)
- References
We have prepared the following reports and papers:
- For Miliana Shipmanagement Ltd, repeatedly – interpretation of magnetometric data from survey of a dock in the Port of Gdynia (2014; 2015)
- For Miliana Shipmanagement Ltd. – preparation of reports on magnetometric surveys (2014)
- References
- References
- For MGGP S.A. in Tarnów – preparation of a paper on trough cross-sections for the following rivers: Wisłok, Mikośka, Młynówka, Przyrwa, Ślączka, Łętownia and Mleczka, stock-taking of engineering structures along those rivers and analysis of geodetic survey data concerning those structures, and stock-taking of flood embankments (2009)
- For Caledonian Geotech – analysis of pipeline monitoring in the St. Fergus Bay, Scotland (2009)
- For Loyd, Exxon Mobile Corrporation and Shell – data interpretation and map preparation for the Bacton-Zeebruge and St.Fergus projects (2008)
- For Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot – preparation of sonar maps on the basis of hydroacoustic data collected in the coastal zone near Rowy (2008)
We have filled the following orders for equipment:
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of a specialistic cable from Nortek B.V. (the Netherlands) (2015)
- For Institute of Meteorology and Water Management in Gdynia – delivery of 6 SM3M hydrophones manufactured by Wildlife Acoustics (USA) together with mooring equipment
- For Mewo Sp. z o.o. S.K.A. – delivery of subconn connectors (2015)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of MCIL10M, MCIL80 connectors from Seabed B.V. (the Netherlands) (2015)
- For Military Unit in Wałcz – delivery of the Falcon ROV from SAAB Seaeye (United Kingdom) (2014)
- References
- For Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot – delivery of Falcon ROV from SAAB Seaeye (United Kingdom) (2014)
- References
- For Polish Naval Academy in Gdynia – delivery of two 3D laser scanners produced by Dynamism Europe LTD (United Kingdom) (2014)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of Cougar XT ROV manufactured by SAAB Seaeye (United Kingdom) design and fabrication by Envia of an entire solution for vehicle control (design of a container with operator’s compartment, a compartment for a winch with an umbilical cable, and a garage for the vehicle) (2014)
- References
- References
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of replacement parts for the Cougar XT ROV manufactured by SAAB Seaeye (United Kingdom) (2014)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of subconn, microsubconn and impulse underwater connectors ordered from Seabed BV (the Netherlands) (2014)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of a digital system for acoustic bottom detection, a digital system for video inspection of bottom, and a digital dual-frequency “chirp” side-scan sonar (2013)
- References
- For DHI Polska sp. z o.o. and MEWO sp. z o.o. – delivery of alkaline Light Release Transponders from Sonardyne International Ltd., United Kingdom (2013)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of signal cables and waterproof connectors together with other accessories for the CPT probe (2013)
- For several domestic companies and institutions, e.g. Naval Port of Gdynia Command – delivery of spare parts for the Falcon ROVs from SAAB Seaeye (2012)
- For LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. and Maritime Institute in Gdansk – delivery of various connectors for underwater devices, produced by Marshall Underwater Industries and Seabed B.V. (2012)
- For LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A – delivery and on-board installation of parts of ORETECH 3010 sub-bottom profiler from SEABED B.V. (2011)
- For ship-owner of M.V. Santa Barbara, Miliana Shipping Co. Ltd. – delivery and installation of a part of sub-bottom profiler: wave compensator 3020 produced by SEABED B.V. (2011)
- For LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. – delivery of Trimble DGPS SPS 351 receivers for positioning specialized vessels used, for example, during platform towing (2010)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery and deployment of a system for geographical location of sensors in water for navigation and research purposes for the r/v IMOR vessel (2009)
- For Institute of Meteorology and Water Management in Warsaw and PETROBALTIC S.A. Oil Exploration and Extraction Company in Gdańsk – delivery of TC2121 dual-frequency transducers manufactured by RESON A/S, Denmark (2009)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of Video Overlay VOW4-2 device produced by Ocean Tools Ltd, United Kingdom, for the r/v IMOR research vessel (2009)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of GPS RTK integrated positioning system from Trimble Navigation (2008)
- For Hydrographic Office of Polish Navy in Gdynia – delivery of 120 XBT, model T-6 disposable oceanographic probes manufactured by Sippican LM Inc (2008)
- For Hydrographic Office of Polish Navy in Gdynia – delivery of MK21 recording equipment and LM-3A launcher for the XBT T-6 probe manufactured by Sippican LM Inc (2008)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of Seabat 8125 multibeam manufactured by a Danish company named RESON A/S together with POS MV precise inertial system (2008)
- For University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn – delivery of a hydrographic system based on Navisound 514 single beam echosounder from RESON A/S (2008)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of NEPTUNE 3000 Miniature Coiled Rod CPT system produced by Datem Ltd (2008)
- For Maritime Office in Gdynia – delivery of Navisound 620 hydrographic echosounder and SVP 15 sound velocity profiler for depth produced by RESON A/S (2008)
- For Polish Navy Search and Rescue Service – delivery of two Falcon ROVs manufactured by Saab Seaeye (2008)
- For Hydrographic Office of Polish Navy in Gdynia – delivery of Falcon ROV manufactured by Saab Seaeye (2008)
- For Provincial Command of State Fire Service in Warsaw – delivery of two EdgeTech towed sonar kits and two Imagenex lowered sonar kits (2007)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of Boomer Energos 300 seismo-acoustic system manufactured by a French company named SIG Technologie Instruments (2007)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of 40.200 electric winch for survey purposes produced by KC, Denmark (2007)
- For Polish Geological Institute in Warsaw, Pomeranian Branch – delivery and deployment of a system for seismic surveys manufactured by ABEM (2006)
- For PETROBALTIC S.A. – delivery of specialistic accessories for EdgeTech DF-1000 side scan sonar (2006)
We have delivered the following software:
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – license renewal for QPS software (2015)
- For Military Unit in Wałcz – delivery of Bathy DataBASE Manager hydrographic software developed by CARIS (Canada) and QINSy software from QPS (the Netherlands) (2014)
- References
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – update of GIS (geographic information system) software for processing geospatial and geotechnical data, developed by Plaxis, and delivery of ProMax GIS system for interactive 2d/3d geospatial seismic data processing developed by Halliburton Worldwide (2013)
- For CROCOM Computer Systems – delivery of a license for Survey Engine Seismic+ software and Coda Geosurvey software (developed by CodaOctopus Products Ltd), delivery of a license for PosPac MMS software (developed by Applanix), update and delivery of new licenses for QINSy software (developed by Quality Positioning Services BV – QPS), update and delivery of a new license for GeODin software (developed by Fugro) (2012)
- References
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery in association with Komputronik S.A. of an update of license for ArcGIS software (developed by ERSI Polska Sp. z o.o.), an update of license for AutoCAD software (developed by Autodesk), a renewal of license for AutoChart software (developed by Wish Software Limited), and of a license for MatLab software (developed by MathWorks Inc) (2012)
- References
- For LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. – delivery of CODA Mosaic software, and of CODA Seismic+ software with CODA Reply module (2010)
- For LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A – update of CODA DA 50 sonar data acquisition system software and hardware to CODA 2000 (2010)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – delivery of QINSy hydrographic software developed by a Dutch company named QPS (2008)
- For Hydrographic Office of Polish Navy in Gdynia – delivery of CARIS modules and organization of training in the use of CARIS Bathy Data BASE Editor and CARIS S-57 Composer software developed by the Caris Geographic Information Systems BV company (2008)
- For Hydrographic Office of Polish Navy in Gdynia – deployment of two mareographic systems based on solutions developed by Valeport Ltd (2008)
- For PRCiP- configuration and installation of software on WENDA and MAŁŻ vessels (2005)
- For LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A – update of CODA 2000 sonar data acquisition system software and hardware (2012)
We have completed the following repairs and modernizations:
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – repair of POS MV WaveMaster SFF inertial system together with POSPack software upgrade for 2014 and expansion of measuring system software with Fladermaus Viz4D module developed by QPS B.V. (the Netherlands) (2014)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – repair and upgrade of Rio Grande current profiler manufactured by Teledyne RD Instruments (USA) and of modems of SeaSPY magnetometer manufactured by Marine Magnetics (Canada) (2014)
- For LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. – modernization of Seabat 8101 multibeam echosounder manufactured by RESON A/S to the 7101-SV version (2012)
- For Maritime Institute in Gdańsk – replacement of the underwater part of the EdgeTech 4200 MP side scan sonar system and of Rochester A301301 tow cable, and modernization of stationary USBL Scout Pro underwater positioning system to USBL/LBL Ranger 2 system (2012)
- For LOTOS Petrobaltic S.A. – modernization of an acquisition and supply unit for X-Star device produced by EdeTech along with installation of an interface for data acquisition in CODA DA2000 system. This modernization consisted of a purchase of a new type 3200 control unit, extension of the license for acquisition of data from EdgeTech 3100 and 3200 seismic systems, replacement of a software protection dongle and installation and testing of the system on a ship (2012)
Modernization of Reson Seabat 8101 multibeam echosounder belonging to the Maritime Institute in Gdańsk, to a fully digital third generation Seabat 7101 echosounder (2010)- References
- For Institute of Oceanology, Polish Academy of Sciences in Sopot – modernization of Coda DA50 sonar signal analyzer and delivery of an additional Coda Mosaic module produced by Coda Octopus Products Ltd (2008)
- For Hydrographic Office of Polish Navy – modernization of MIDAS oceanographic survey probes manufactured by the Valeport company (2007)
- For Maritime Office in Gdynia – installation of a hydrographic system on a survey vessel
We have conducted the following training courses:
- Organization of a training course for Falcon ROV operators from Polish Navy Search and Rescue Service (2007)
- For Maritime Office in Gdynia – conducting training in the use of QUINSy software (2007)